Activities & General Information
Access etc
There is a disabled parking place beside the front entrance to the church, and a ramp to the entrance doors.
There are accessible toilets. Similarly there is ramped access to the downstairs hall (from the back of the building).
There is a loop system in the main body of the church. Large print books are available for some services.

Mothers’ Union
Our Mothers’ Union group normally meets on the first Thursday afternoon of the month at 2.30pm in the church lounge, with an interesting speaker and then tea. Our group is part of the wider Mothers’ Union, (see their website) whose aim is to support marriage and family life and protect children. For further details please contact Janet Jones on 01364 643627.

This vital service to the local community runs on Fridays in the church building. You can call 01364 644485 during the week and if necessary leave a message, including your phone number, or email with the information. Collection is on Friday between 10am and 12 noon.

Please note that the Foodbank itself operates from the downstairs hall, so please come to the door at the back of the church, but the Foodbank café operates on Friday mornings in the church lounge, accessed by the church front doors.
In addition to coffee, etc. the café offers skilled advice from our CAB adviser, and also each week a different agency comes in to offer help and advice.
Please see the Foodbank website for information about the foodbank, about how to get help from it, and how you can give support.
Bible study
There is a weekly Bible study group in the church lounge on Tuesdays at 10.00am. All welcome.
Outside mission links
We help to support various agencies involved in mission work at home and abroad. Currently we have links with Christian Aid, Shekinah in Plymouth, and Home of Peace in Kenya.
Donating online to St Luke’s
We are glad to be giving help to people in our parish, but inevitably we find a strain on our resources, and we would welcome any support you can give – click ♦here♦ if you would like to give to St Luke’s online.