Hall Hire
The CHURCH itself is available for appropriate activities such as concerts and special productions.
Here the full benefit of the innovative design of the building can be appreciated.
There is enough seating for around 200 people, and the space available can be increased by also using the vestry chapel and/or the lounge, (though visibility and audibility from these areas may be less satisfactory).
There are toilets on both floors.
There is easy access for disabled visitors and special car parking arrangements for them.
In the church we have a loop system for the hard of hearing.
Booking forms and other paperwork
The single use booking form, with details of prices, can be accessed here for viewing/printing
The regular use booking form, with details of prices can be accessed here for viewing/printing
Terms and Conditions can be accessed here.
Advice on health and safety can be accessed here.
Important information about car parking can be accessed here.
For one-off bookings we reserve the right to ask for payment with booking.
All these documents can be saved to a computer and then printed